35th Conference. Sept 2025 Hobart, Tas. Australia
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2013 Melbourne Presentations

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Nurse/paramedic retrieval practitioners in the retrieval environment - beginning of a new era - Ben Stanton, Retrieval Nurse Practitioner - MedSTAR & Dave Tingey, Retrieval Paramedic Practitioner

Tailoring Aeromedical Retrieval Systems to suit the resources available - Andrew Moore, Engineering Manager, Aeronautical Engineers Australia

Measuring fatigue in Aeromedical Clinicians - is it a significant issue? - Julia Myers, Lecturer and Research Manager, University of Otago, NZ

In-hospital rapid sequence intubation by mobile intensive care flight paramedics: Can paramedic skills be effectively used in-hospital? - Nick Roder, Mobile Intensive Care Flight Paramedic, Grad Cert MICA, Grad Cert Aeromedical, Dip Sci (Nursing), Med, Air Ambulance Victoria

MedSTAR Flight Lights - Development of an aeromedical tool for early recognition of the deteriorating patient during pre-flight inter-hospital transfer assessments - Natalie Hincksman, Clinical Practice Consultant/Retrieval Nurse, MedSTAR

The Mayo Clinic Risk Assessment Tool for Air and Ground Transports - Dr Daniel Hankins, Consultant and Associate Professor, Emergency Medicine/Co-Medical Director, MAYO Clinic Medical Transport

To fly or not to Fly - The dilemma of an interfacility transfer - Dr Vinod Raj, Medical Officer, Sabah Women's & Children's Hospital

Bariatric Aeromedical Transportation - a NSW perspective - Lachlan Beattie, Flight Nurse, NSW Air Ambulance Services

CRM - Human Factors in the Fixed Wing Aeromedical Environment - John Corcoran, Pilot Aeromedical (retired)

Establishing an aeromedical retrieval service to oil and gas standards in the Surat Basin - Richard Eva, Aviation Manager, Queensland Gas Corporation

Patients under Fire: Helicopter Transfer in a disaster - Mr Lieh Yong Low, Assistant Medical Office, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Sabah

IABP dependent patient transport by a nurse/paramedic as the lead clinician within a stand-alone emergency medical retrieval service - Ben Stanton, Retrieval Practitioner, MedSTAR

Discussion of a large centralized operational control centre, how to bring all disciplines into 24/7/365 Sync - Tim Pickering, Director of Government Affairs, Air Evac Lifeteam EMS, Inc

Videolaryngoscopes: Novelty, mandatory or morbidity - Dr Brent May, Specialist Anaesthetist and Retrieval Consultant, Adult Retrieval Victoria

Anaesthesia in retrieval - Dr John Moloney, Head of Trauma Anaesthesia, The Alfred Hospital, Retrieval Consultant

Mission-based medical installation and equipment concept for a new helicopter - Dr Erwin Stolpe, Modern EMS Helicopters

Risk Analyses and Critical Safety Management of Prepared, Unprepared and Ad Hoc Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) Landing Sites - Colin Weir, CEO, Flight Safety Pty Ltd

Bundaberg Flood Response - A pilot's perspective - Andrew McCole, EMS Helicopter Pilot, Emergency Management Queensland

CASA regulations for the future of the Aeromedical Industry. A discussion of potential NPRM 13040s changes - Phil Hogan, Consultant, Heliport Design Group

CRM in Aeromedical Operations - Why CRM/AMRM is absolutely vital to HEMS Safety - Randy Mains, Chief CRM/AMRM Safety Instructor, Oregon Aero

Kaye Melmeth Oration - Joan Hankins

The use of point of care ultrasound by a nurse/paramedic retrieval practitioner during critically ill patient retrieval and transport - Dave Tingey, Retrieval Paramedic Practitioner, MedSTAR

Ground vs air transport for neonates - does it matter? - Ms Ann-Marie Tamassy, CPC (Retrieval Nurse), NICU Nurse/Midwife, MedSTAR

Breeding Flight Nurses: The value of student nurse/midwife placements in an aeromedical organisation - Adam Waddington & Mark Holmes, Flight Nurse, Air Ambulance NSW

eRetrieval: The development of a Virtual Community of Practice to support the education and clinical practice of nurses, paramedics and doctors who utilise the critical care retrieval services of Ambulance Tasmania - Professor Geoff Couser, FACEM Grad Cert ULT, Retrieval Coordinator, Ambulance Tasmania, Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, University of Tasmania

Outcome of outborn infants at 28 weeks. The Western Australian experience 2001-2008 - Jackie Gardiner, Fellow, MedSTAR Emergency Retrieval Services

Evaluation of a neonatal and paediatric animal laboratory teaching program for retrieval/transport doctors: an ongoing competence improvement study - Francis Lockie, Paediatric Retrieval/Emergency Consultant, MedSTAR/WCH

Training methods in retrieval medicine - introducing the Sabah Trauma Life Support Provider Course - Dr Darlene Flavious Ongkili, Medical Officer, Sabah Women's & Children's Hospital

Accommodating families in the transport setting - Trisha Cooke, Paediatric and Neonatal Retrieval CPC, MedSTAR Emergency Retrieval Services

Development of a satellite-based (GNSS) low flight network for HEMS in Switzerland - Stefan Becker, EHAC/REGA

Event Work flows. Structuring Flight Coordination in low frequency, high acuity conditions - Nick Roder, Mobile Intensive Care Flight Paramedic Grad Cert MICA, Grad Cert Aeromedical, Dip Sci (Nursing), Med. Air Ambulance Victoria

NZ Pertussis Epidemic: Impact on Paediatric Retrievals and Case Presentation - Di Fuller, PICU Retrieval Nurse, PICU Starship Children's Hospital

A pre-hospital challenging airway: A case review - Matt Shepherd, MICA Flight Paramedic, Air Ambulance Victoria

Integrated risk and safety oversight of aeromedical operations - Heather Fitzpatrick, Aerosafe's Executive Director of Client Projects

Clinical Helicopter Access - Cameron Edgar, A/Superintendent, Operations Manager, Ambulance Rescue Helicopters Intensive Care Paramedic, Special Casualty Access Team (Instructor), Ambulance Service of NSW

Carriage and Administration of Red Cell Concentrate by Air Ambulance Victoria - Anthony de Wit, Manager Air Operations, Air Ambulance Victoria