2016 Queenstown Presentations
What is clinical aeromedical coordination all about? - Dr
Andrew Pearce, Clinical Director of Retrieval Coordination -
MedSTAR Emergency Medical Retrieval Service
Aiming higher and reaching further through collaborative aviation
partnerships: NSW Air Ambulance and Virgin Australia Non Technical Skills
(NTS) Course - Mark Holmes, Flight Nurse Educator,
NSW Ambulance
Checks for the Checklists - Dr Alana Harper FACEM,
MB CHB, Auckland HEMS Clinical Lead Safety + Quality
How to get the Post-Partum Haemorrhage patient in your aircraft and to
definitive care - a new option for Flight Nurses - Justine
Treble, Clinical Nurse Consultant, CareFlight
What is the predictability of usefulness for new heliports using wind
roses? - Phil Hogan, Heliport Design Group
Evaluating the non-technical skills of inter-hospital air transport
clinicians: A clinical simulation study - Julie
Myers, Lecturer, University of Otago, New Zealand
Fatigue Risk Management for Medical Crew Members - Emmeline
Finn, Director of Clinical Operations, CareFlight Retrieval
ASA Standards Update - Tony Vaughan ASM, Committee
Members ASA
Mission Oversight: Real-time support for High-risk Search and Rescue
Missions - Cameron Edgar, Superintendent, Zone
Manager Southern NSW Helicopter Operations, NSW Ambulance
RNZAF Fatigue Modelling and Mitigation Strategies - Darrell
Bonetti, PhD, Physiologist - Aviation Medicine Unit, RNZAF
Auckland, New Zealand
Safer sustainable aeromedical operations through appropriate pilot
fatigue regulation - Joseph Wheeler, Aviation Legal
Counsel, Australian Federation of Air Pilots
Implementation of a level seven feedback simulator system for Air
Evac - Tim Pickering, Director of Government
Affairs, Air EVAC Lifeteam
Queensland Nurses Flying High Again - Michelle
Black, Nurse Manager, CareFlight Retrieval
Up and Away: History of New Zealand Flight Nurses Association -
Sally Houliston, Flight Nurse, Nurse Consultant
Workforce Development, Hawkes Bay District Health Board
High Flow Nasal Prong Oxygenation - the Children's Health Queensland
Retrieval Service (CHQRS) experience - Ann-Maree
Brady, Clinical Nurse Consultant, Paediatric Retrieval Service,
Lady Cilento Children's Hospital
1-800 ECMO: Developing an ECMO Retrieval Service - A/Prof
Paul Forrest, Head, Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia and Perfusion,
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital / Clinical Associate Professor, University
of Sydney
Improving response times to critically ill patients requiring retrieval:
a before and after study - Jason Bendall, Registrar,
Prehospital and Retrieval Medicine, Hunter Retrieval Service, John Hunter
Carbohydrate restriction and intermittent fasting: Implications and
efficacy for Aeromedical practitioners - Darrell
Bonetti PhD, Physiologist - Aviation Medicine Unit, RNZAF
Auckland, New Zealand
Resilience - Chris Denny, Emergency Medicine
Specialist, Auckland City Hospital / HEMS Medical Director, Auckland
Rescue Helicopter Trust
Research in prehospital care that should change practice -
Brian Burns, Emergency Physician, Northern Sydney Local
Health District / Prehospital and Retrieval Specialist, Research
Director, Greater Sydney HEMS
REBOA - what, who, where? - Stefan Mazur,
Prehospital and Retrieval Physician / Medical Retrieval Consultant, SAAS
Night Vision Goggles in EMS - Andrew Taylor, Base
Manager Adelaide / Pilot, MAC Rescue, Australian Helicopters