MedicAir eJournal - Call for Papers
The editorial group this year are Janet Baker, New Zealand and Margaret Tabone in Australia. Mark Buick and John Corcoran have kindly offered to assist with non clinical aeromedical engineering and aviation safety papers from time to time.
Our aim is to publish quarterly and have decided on a regular format and we would like to encourage the membership to contribute.
The regular format will include:
- The Feature Article
- Presidents Report
- A Page in History. The beginnings of a Service
- The Oracles. An individual's contributions to a Service or an innovator in the aeromedical or aviation industry
- Activities. Details of ISAS Committee developments and other items not covered in the Presidents Report
- Member Profile
- Air Safety
- Clinical Paper
- Non Clinical Paper
- Next Edition Features
The ISAS committee invites members to submit contributions for upcoming editions of the eJournal. Our aim is to have the publications that reflect the interests and concerns of the membership with interesting informative articles. We look forward to your input.
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Closing date for the next MedicAir 15 July 2009.